LCA is a two year programme in which students are prepared for the world of work and also for most Post Leaving Certificate Courses.
It is a distinct, self-contained two-year leaving certificate programme aimed at preparing students for adult and working life.
It emphasises forms of achievement and excellence which the established leaving certificate has not recognised in the past.

This programme covers three main areas:

General Education
Subjects studied in this area include a Modern European Language, Music, Social Education, Leisure and Recreation, and Irish

Vocational Education
This section of the LCA helps the development of skills in Information Technology, Hotel, Catering and Tourism, Haircare and Mathematics. LCA Assessment
Students are assessed on a continuous basis as well as final examinations at the end of year two. Credit is given for Modules completed, projects, aural, oral, practical and written examinations.

The following are the subjects

  • Religious Education
  • Leisure and Recreation
  • Hotel, Catering and Tourism
  • Communicative Spanish
  • English and Communication
  • Information Technology
  • Gaeilge Chumarsáideach
  • Spanish
  • Career Guidance
  • Mathematical Applications
  • Social Education
  • Vocational Preparation and Guidance
  • Art

In LCA 2 students complete the following examinations set by the State Examinations Commission during the June exam period:

  • Mathematical Applications
  • Hair and Beauty
  • English and Communications
  • Social Education
  • Gaeilge Chumarsáideach
  • Spanish
  • Hotel, Catering and Tourism

Upon completion of these state exams students are graded under the following categories:

  • Distinction
  • Merit
  • Pass

This final result is based on Continuous Assessment since LCA 1 and their final exams.

Leaving Certificate Applied students make links with the wider community.

Leaving Certificate Applied engage in many activities over the 2 years of the programme. As part of the programme, they engage in 4 different work experiences over the 2 years making invaluable connections with local businesses which allows better opportunities for future employment.

Mini Company

LCA students showcase their entrepreneurial skills by setting up a mini company at the Annual St. Brigid’s Christmas Market. The students are very creative in their ideas and have sold Christmas cards and bunting, personalised journals and have sold pancakes as part of their enterprise. They have also set up a Hair and Beauty Day for first year students who are treated to a day of pampering and excellent customer service.

Hotel, Catering and Tourism

As part of their Hotel, Catering and Tourism module, our students have enjoyed boat trips, visits to hotels and restaurants and have also experienced a tour of the National Park with the local Jarveys.

Leisure and Recreation

Our LCA students as part of the Leisure and Recreation module have gym sessions and sometimes go kayaking.

Slí na Slainte

In 2020 an LCA 1 group encouraged their peers and staff to get more active during the school day, created a Slí na Slainte route on the school campus, covering four routes for even the busiest of people. Students worked hard together coordinating with the Irish Heart Foundation, school management and the Presentation Order Sisters to see this project come to fruition. The students will put this project forward as part of their General Education Task in the new year. St Brigid’s are the first school campus in Killarney to get a “Slí na Slainte route” (walkway of health)

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